Welcome to Polish Zebrafish Society

About Society

The main task of the Society is to promote cooperation among people performing research on zebrafish (Danio rerio) in Poland and abroad. Besides the scientific collaboration, the Society promotes science education, popularization and promotion of zebrafish model organism for the general public.
The Society accomplishes its mission by (co)organizing workshops and high quality meetings devoted to zebrafish research.

Management Committee

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Kazimierza Jaczewskiego 8 str                     
Lublin, 20-090


Email: zebrafish.pl@gmail.com
REGON: 380072077,
NIP: 7123369870
Account number (mBank):
15 1140 2004 0000 3002 7784 2528

For international transfers:
IBAN: PL15 1140 2004 0000 3002 7784 2528



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