
Job offers



for the position of Post-doc at the Faculty of Biology in the NCN SONATA 17 project

 - Role of antisense oligonucleotide-induced intronic microRNA  on axonal morphogenesis in zebrafish

You will find details here.


The International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines Polish Academy of Sciences

Postdoctoral researcher – Laboratory of Developmental Neurobiology

You will find details here.


PhD student position in the host-pathogen interactions using zebrafish infection model and complex oral biofilms, at Jagiellonian University, Poland supported by Sonata project of Dr Magdalena Widziołek-Pooranachandran

You will find details here.


Research Fellow in Genetics and Drug Discovery (Postdoctoral Fellow)

Griffith University , Nathan, Brisbane QLD 

Laboratory & Technical Services (Science & Technology)

Full time

$78,437 - $91,879 + 17% Superannuation


There are PhD student positions in the Zebrafish developmental  neurobiology research group led by Dr Savani Anbalagan at the Adam Mickiewicz  University, Poznań, Poland, supported by NCN Sonata-BIS project.



There are PhD student positions in the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw, Poland in a project "Experimental analysis of molecular determinants involved in epilepsy" funded by NCN/OPUS in the laboratory of Prof. Jacek Kuźnicki, PI: Vladimir Korzh, PhD ( The study will focus on analysis of zebrafish mutants mimicking mutations of KCNB1 in human. 


The Department of Animal Developmental Biology  of the Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Wrocław, Poland 

is looking for a

PhD candidate in animal developmental biology with a focus on a new animal model of  human McArdle disease in zebrafish (Danio rerio) 

Project description

Mutations in muscle glycogen phosphorylase (PYGM) gene lead to autosomal recessive  human McArdle disease, characterized by onset of exercise intolerance and muscle cramps in  childhood and adolescence. 

The goal of the project is to create a new animal model of human McArdle disease utilizing  zebrafish using a CRISPR-Cas9 method. We plan in-depth characteristic (morphological, biochemical, behavioral and molecular) of obtained zebrafish with pygm knock-out. Additionally, 

we will analyze selected substances influence on the physical performance of the pygm-/- zebrafish.  An effective animal model for human McArdle disease in zebrafish is important for  effective therapeutics searching. 

Key responsibilities

The primary task of the PhD candidate will be taking part in morphological and behavioral  assessment of the zebrafish model and potential drug testing. His/her responsibility will also include  the extensive care of animals welfare. 

The PhD project will be a part of a wide research plane described above. The PhD candidate  will therefore be a research group member and have a supervisor support during performing the experiments. 

Selection criteria

• A Master’s degree in Biology, Genetics, or a related field;

• A strong interest in the research with the use of molecular biology techniques;

• Willingness and proven ability to perform laboratory research;

• Laboratory skills;

• Ability to work in team;

• Willingness to travel and undertake part of the research training and/or experiments abroad

(once restrictions have lifted);

• Fluency in spoken Polish and English excellent writing skills in Polish and English.


For information about the positions and the project please contact Prof. dr hab. Małgorzata  Daczewska, e-mail: with CC to marta, 


Please submit online your application (CV and recommendation letter/s) via e-mail


The Kuznicki Lab at the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw, Poland is looking for a Post-Doc

The research focus of our laboratory is on the neurodegeneration with the emphasis on the function of Ca2+ in that process. You will find details here.

We use several strategies including zebrafish.

Currently we are looking for a post-doctoral fellow to join the project using zebrafish models for studying human neurological diseases at the genomic, proteomic, and cellular levels and by vivo analyses in zebrafish neurons. We generated several zebrafish models of human rare diseases and lines expressing calcium sensors in cytosol, mitochondria, and ER. The post-doc would be involved in the fundamental research using the zebrafish lines we have generated.

We expect:

- Training in neurobiology, molecular biology

- Familiarity with zebrafish model

- Excellent English

- Knowledge of imaging would be an added value

We offer

- Support to apply for the prestigious Polish Academy of Sciences PASIFIC Fellowship approximately 2500E netto and a personal research budget up to 93,000E for 2 years.

- Excellent working environment with many independent laboratories, shared equipment

- International working environment

The application procedure is available on the PASIFIC/MSCA website .

Please contact Kuznicki Lab for further enquires at

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