Welcome to the “5th Polish Zebrafish Society Workshop” organized by the Polish Zebrafish Society and held under the patronage of the Medical University of Lublin Vice-Chancellor of Science prof. dr. hab. n. med. Andrzeja Stypulaka.
The training is intended for all researchers interested in using zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model organism.
At the first day of Workshop, we invite everyone for open lectures (no registration needed), regarding investigating human diseases with the use of zebrafish as a model organism (1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., 29.06.2022). Stay with us after lectures to enjoy get together at the Poster session!
The lectures will be held at the Collegium Pathologicum, Medical University of Lublin, Dr K. Jaczewskiego 8B, 20-090 Lublin.
During the next two days (30.06 and 1.07.2022), the practical training will be provided to familiarize participants with zebrafish as a model organism: breeding, maintaining, basic techniques, tools and possible use in research will be discussed. The topics will cover toxicology, application of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology, genotyping, behavioral analysis, microinjection (including cancer cells microinjections to show zebrafish as a xenograft model), microscopy imaging (i.e., Light Sheet, phenotypic analysis) and more.
The workshop will be held at the Center for Experimental Medicine (Ośrodek Medycyny Doświadczalnej) of the Medical University of Lublin Dr K. Jaczewskiego 8d.
LECTURES and poster session (open to public)
Open introductory lectures, including long (30 min) and short presentations (15 min), all in english:
1. “The zebrafish: a model for human diseases” - Marta Migocka-Patrzałek -University of Wroclaw
2. "Zebrafish in behavioral studies" - Barbara Budzyńska -Medical University of Lublin
3. Toxicology – Maciej Kamaszewski-Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW
4. Xenograft models - Anna Boguszewska-Czubara -Medical University of Lublin
20 min break
1. "Zebrafish developmental neurobiology owes to progress in research methodology" - Vladimir Korzh -International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
2. “Using the zebrafish model to understand immunity and host-pathogen interactions” - Tomasz Prajsnar - Jagiellonian University
3. “Can fish mimic a human? Zebrafish as a model in translational research” - Anna Sarosiak -Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing
4. Genetic modifications and genotyping - Niedharsan Pooranachandran - Jagiellonian University
17.00 - 20.00 Poster session/ get together
8.00-8.15 Registration
8.15-8.30 Welcome and Introduction to Practical Part
8.30-12.30 Practicals - part I
12.30-14.00 Lunch & Discussion
14.00-18.00 Practicals -part II
18.00-22.00 Social event
9.00-13.00 Practicals - part III
13.00-14.30 Lunch & Discussion
14.30-14.45 Closing remarks and departure
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